a little drop of poison

by avalureburlesque

So as many of my classmates may know, I have a bad back. I injured it earlier this month, or shall I say, it just crapped out on me, and haven’t been keeping up my normal physical training regime. That being said, I will be putting a new act together to perform at “The Piano Has Been Drinking”- A Tribute to Tom Waits at the Rio Theatre on June 6th. Instead of my normal dance-heavy style, I will be focusing more on character development and interaction with the band and audience. It’s been a challenge; I’ve been listening to the song over and over, trying to ingrain it into my system without dancing anything out. My fear is that the act will turn out totally boring, on the other hand, focus, energy, and clear direction could be very powerful and compelling. I guess I’ll take it to the stage and see!

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