overview after some space

by avalureburlesque

SO this blog assignment… I previously mentioned that I learned a lot about time management, but after a day away from the blogsphere I came to a couple other realizations. Firstly, after learning about blogs in “Internet” class yesterday, I learned that a blog is a great way to control your image. It can make a small organization look bigger and a large organization look easier to relate to. This point is really interesting to me, and I realized that posting smart, interesting, and unique things on a blog is a great way to make myself stand out as an artist and be easy to access.

Since the burlesque community spans across North America, into Europe, and across Australia, keeping a blog on the internet is a way that anyone from any of these places can learn about me as a performer and never even have to meet me or come to one of my shows. I am still struggling with the idea that people actually want to read what I have to say, but I think I can get around that if I keep the blog focused around a few topics, and keep it more about observations than feelings and opinions. More specifically, I am thinking about keeping an online show journal that chronicles the following things about each time I perform: What show is it? Which numbers did I perform? What was the inspiration for these numbers? What was my costume like, and did I make any changes to it? How much did I practice my choreography? Did I debut a new number? Where was the show? How big was the audience? A few goals for the next time I perform these numbers. Any general reflections.

This will be really beneficial to me, and will hopefully help other people organize themselves as performers.